Our Trainer
VSA-Certified Dog Trainer
KPA Puppy Start Righat Instructor
美國 VSA 認證犬隻訓練導師
美國 KPA 幼犬導師
Lilian is a graduate of the prestigious Victoria Stilwell Academy for Dog Training & Behavior. To further her knowledge specifically in puppy training, she became a qualified puppy school instructor by the highly-regarded Karen Pryor Academy.
Her goal is to provide families with effective, professional, and positive training for their dogs - training that makes life easier, by teaching people to help their dogs navigate the structure of normal family life.
She is committed to train using powerful force-free, positive reinforcement-based tools and techniques.
畢業於美國著名的 Victoria Stilwell 犬隻訓練及行為學院,Lilian更於Karen Pryor Academy 深造完成了針對幼犬的導師課程。
How it began and continues?
Lilian was blessed to grow up in a local village in Clear Water Bay and to be surrounded by many lovely dogs from the neighbourhood (and fearful ones that were being misunderstood!). Since then, she has developed a deep interest in dogs and learned valuable life lessons from these human’s best friends.
With her family, she had her first Hong Kong special, Mini-Schnauzer, turtles and pigeon. She now loves with her dog Danni and two Shanghainese cats.
Upon receiving professional education in dog training, she is determined to help dog owner clients to learn how to truly transform canine behaviour and set their dogs up for success using the latest in modern behavioural science methods.
Lilian 有幸在新界的村屋長大,20年來都給鄰居可愛狗狗(以及被誤解、心存驚恐的狗狗!)包圍著。 從那以後,她對狗產生了特別的興趣,並從這些人類最好的朋友學到了寶貴的人生經驗。